We test physical and biological soil health indicators as well as chemical indicators (at a commercial lab)
Many of the soil analyses included in the CARA Soil Health Lab packages are available as individual tests. (Individual prices are in parentheses below.)
Package Analysis
Benchmark Package ($150 (2022 will be last year of the Promotion))*
Includes Basic-SFW & PHYBIO packages. This is the first step for baseline assessment(s) for monitoring fields or management areas
Basic-SFW Package ($130)*
Recommended for annual biological monitoring of fields or monitoring areas. Includes Total Fungi & Total Bacteria Biomass, Protozoa and Nematode Functional Groups.
PHY_BIO Package ($80)*
Recommended for annual monitoring of fields or management areas. Includes Soil Texture (if done in previous year, no need to be repeated), Active Carbon, Wet Aggregate Stability, Soil Respiration, Total C:N Ratio.
CHEM Package ($60+)*
Chemical indicators recommended for annual or periodic monitoring of fields or fertility status
Custom Package ($40+)*
If Custom Assessments are needed, such as: Soil Total nutrients, Plant material digestions, NH4, N03, Potential Mineralized N (PMN), among others, please call for more information
*Please add 5% GST to all packages and individual sampling orders.
Individual Indicators
Soil Food Web (SFW) Indicators:*
Active ($20) & Total ($20) Bacteria
Active ($20) & Total ($20) Fungi
Functional Groups Protozoa ($40)
Functional Groups Nematode ($40)
Mycorrhizal fungal: Spore or Root Colonization ($40 each)
Physical Indicators*
Texture ($15)
Wet Aggregate Stability ($15)
Bulk Density (Infield soil sampling known volume) ($0)
Biological Indicators*
Soil Microbial Respiration ($15)
Active Carbon ($15)
Total C:N Ratio, TOC (Total Organic Carbon), TC (Total Carbon), TN (Total Nitrogen): ($25)
PMN: Potentially Mineralized Nitrogen ($30)
*Please add 5% GST to all packages and individual sampling orders.
At this time we do not have online payment, we ask that you include a cheque (enclosed in a Ziploc bag) for the appropriate amount.
To order Individual &/or package testing, please fill out the Submission Form.
Check page 2 on the Submission Form for the amount of soil required for each soil assessment.
Please download and read our Soil Health Sampling Protocol Guidelines.
Other Resource
Alberta Agriculture Soil Sampling
Diagnosing Soil Compaction Using a Penetrometer
Alberta Soil Information Viewer
The Canadian System of Soil Classification
Download our Submission Form and Infield Data Sheet (if you want to do a soil health benchmark).
Sampling Notice
If you are sending samples in to be tested for Biological activity, we ask that you sample your soils, not in the winter. If you sample your soils during the winter, while the ground is frozen, the biological activity will not be representative of the true activity as there is limited activity in frozen soils.
Sample storage and shipment
Quick guide to sample shipment and storage:
Make sure to include your samples submission form (download submission form) and a data sheet with the respective information (ex. penetrometer readings, water infiltration, etc), if applicable. Save a copy of the information submitted to the lab for your records.
Each sample unit should be bagged individually in a 1-gallon plastic (Ziploc) bag. Make sure that each bag is properly labeling with the sampling field ID unit. Double bag your samples if it is necessary. Several samples bag can be placed in a larger plastic bag.
Place your sample(s) in a cardboard box or small cooler. Place the submission form inside a plastic bag and put it in the box. Make sure that the samples are well packed. Add packing material if it is needed to minimize sample movement.
Ship samples immediately to the laboratory; ensure that the sample arrives at the lab during business hours.
When temperatures are hot, you might use an ice pack(s) for sending the samples. Any ice packs sent will be sent back to the sender. All samples should be kept cool (4 °C) if they are not sent right away to the lab.
When submitting soil for more than one individual soil test analysis, please send the minimum required amount for a benchmark soil analysis.
We require fresh soil for SFW and/or air-dried soil for BioPhysical soil health analyses.
Ship to CARA as soon as possible:
CARA's Soil Health Lab
Box 690
Oyen, Alberta
T0J 2J0
Need a physical mailing address?
Highway 41 E
or 141 5th Street East
The Soil Health Benchmark Report includes 3 parts, an overview of the soil health score, the chemical evaluation (done in a commercial lab), and the soil food web (biology). Within the report, you will find out what are the soil health indicator constraints, and the suggested management for those specific constraints.
Please see an example (SN: 1-002233) of a Soil Health Lab Report from the 2019 Alberta Soil Health Benchmark.
These results will be sent to your email in 4-8 weeks.
For more details on interpreting results please contact the CARA Soil Health Lab at 403-664-3777 or by email at carashl@telus.net